Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Where To grocery Shop?

One of the challenges of moving to a new place is picking a grocery store.  Who has the best prices, what is the deli like, do they have my favorite spaghetti sauce? I now have many options when it comes to grocery stores. Too many. I have asked neighbors and complete strangers where they shop. So far one store in particular stands out. More on that later.

Today we ventured to "Joe Caputo & Son's Fruit Market".  "Jooooeeeeee Caputo". You can't say it without an Italian accent. "Joe Caputo. You want some fruit? Sure you do. You WANT some fruit!" .

Try it. See, you can't say it without the accent can you?  Well, Joe has a very nice store.

I was very impressed by his produce department. For example, have you ever seen lemon grass or Taro Root in your grocery produce department? Green Olives too! I have no idea what you would do with them but it was exotic. It doesn't stop there. The bakery? Holy Smokes! What a delightful place. The deli? Words can not describe. The inside of the store is painted like an Italian town. The ceiling is painted to look like the sky but wait.......no kidding, the music? Frank Sinatra. No lie. Needless to say we came home with more then we set out to get. If you visit us I'll take you to meet Joe. Trust me, You're gonna like it.